Thursday, January 24, 2008

I live like a hermit in my own house

I feel like that Death Cab song because I've seriously been a hermit for the past 3 days. Well, I guess it's not completely my fault, we were put under house arrest on Monday because of the protests/riots going on in the Old City due to the happenings in Gaza. So that was a trying-to-do-homework-but-not-so-successful kind of day.
Tuesday I decided to stay home again and REALLY try to get my homework done. Um, yeah. I didn't do so good. But I console myself in the fact that I've been having these priceless bonding experiences with people and in 20 years, whether I got my homework done or not won't matter, but my eternal relationships with people will. Ha! Stick it to the MAN! I've especially been having some good moments with my roomies. We're just growing tighter and tighter every day. Everyone here basically thinks I'm crazy, but I think they like it. They all wish they could be like me. Just kidding.
Anyway, yesterday I did go out for a little bit. A few of us went over to the Hebrew University "at the dairy farm across the road." Name that movie. Did you guess Robin Hood? Cause that's wrong. It's from 101 Dalmations. Hebrew U was cool. It's a nice campus and I got to talk to some really nice students. I really love the people here.
But it's so sad, we aren't allowed to talk about the gospel in any way, shape, or form. So we were talking to this guy and he had met some of us students at the Temple Mount the other day. He had asked them about the church and they not being able to respond said something like, "In this day and age you can find just about anything on the Internet." So we was telling us that he looked us up on Wikipedia and wanted to know if we could just shake our heads yes or no to tell him if what he read was correct. He then told us that it had said that we had made a pact with the Israeli government not to proselyte here (which is true)... because we had converted corpses after WWII (which is not true). I'm sure it was in reference to baptisms for the dead, but there was no way I could come even close to explaining. So all I said was, "You know, not everything on the internet is true" and left it at that. He was so disappointed though and it seemed like he really wanted to know. Man, it was heart-wrenching to not be able to tell him. Sad day. Anyway, that was an interesting experience.
I played soccer again yesterday and pulled a muscle in my back and both of my legs. So today I'm hobbling around like an old man. It was a fun game though and I'm getting better at this whole coordination thing. Well, actually maybe not. I was trying to put my pants on this morning and my foot got caught in the wrong leg so I tumbled over writhing around with my pants half on. My roommates were in stitches.
Oh I almost forgot! Yesterday we had our Egypt Orientation! I cannot even tell you how excited I am, though a little apprehensive. There are huge problems with groping in Egypt. Yikes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it won't happen to me. I went and got $150 all in $1 bills. Haha. I look so rich when I carry that wad of cash around. I should have gotten one $100 bill to put on top...then I would have looked like a millionaire. Anyway, they said that the Egyptian merchants love American money because it's worth more to them I guess. So they said to bring lots of 1's. I'm so excited.
Today I'm going shopping with my roomies for stuff we need for Egypt. I want to get lots of packaged foods because they told us that usually almost half the group comes back from Egypt with "Ramses Revenge." That's the Egyptian term for diarrhea...really, really, bad diarrhea. The doctor showed us the massive supply of depends he brings for the trip home from Egypt. Our buses have no bathrooms and the route home has no trees or hills or anything. So they said that everyone on the bus looks away while the sick person does their thing. Yikes...Indigo Montaya had no idea when he said, "Humiliations Galore." So I'm not eating anything that isn't completely burnt black. No fruits or veggies for a week. Joy.
Well, this is a lot longer than I intended it to be. Sorry I jump around so much. And sorry it wasn't that funny or cool...I'll try to have some more spaztically humiliating experiences for you next time. Although, eventhough I love you all, I'm not going to get Ramses Revenge just to make you all laugh about me soiling myself. Sorry to disappoint, but I don't love you that much.
Conclusion: Stay tuned. The best is yet to come.


Julie said...

Hee hee. I love that the doctor brings depends to Egypt! So I've been hearing on NPR crazy stuff about Egypt/Gaza. Like bunches of people running into Egypt to buy stuff?? or something like that? Do you have more of an understanding since you're over there? Can you enlighten me? Are you safe? Is it safe to go to Egypt? Well, love ya tons. Your blog makes me smile. I'm always sad when I get on and there's no new entry. Keep 'em coming girlie.

James McOmber said...

Hedder! I really dig reading about your experiences. It makes me want to go -- my mom's been thinking I should do it. Did you know that the Galbraiths are from my ward in Palo Alto? Do tell them that I said hello and they'll treat you nicer because you and I are friends. Keep harassing Kyle as well.

Anonymous said...

Hefo! Schwester!!! Simply amazing! You are having some crazy experiences my dear. Have a blast in Egypt and BE SAFE!!! I seriously can't wait to hear about it... Ich liebe dich!